Sunday, March 28, 2010

Web Site Reflection - Week 10

Here I sit thinking back on the emotions I felt when this assignment had to be started. I was scared stiff! I completed it and I do not think it warranted all the fear, anxiety, and confusion that I gave it. I have always heard that “hind-sight is 20/20”; now, I know what it means. Of course, Dr. Wang has heard me whining all the way from Sumrall, MS. I must thank her for her patience and the fact that she never gave in to all my complaining.

When starting the Web site, I was overwhelmed with what to do first. Once I got started, it kinda all fell into place. Google has truly made it a simple task. The first template I tried, I kept for several days. I went back to look at it numerous times. It just did not work for me. It almost appeared too elementary in appearance. I was trying to use a template that was definitely “education” in presentation. I have decided it is fine not to overdo the education motif.

As for the utility of this Web site, I think it would be great. My only concern is whether or not the school district will allow the use of it. I know the school where I teach now will not allow me to have a Web site; the school has one and they keep it updated with PR type of information. I have a friend who teaches, and her school provides Web sites for all the teachers. My friend’s students and parents can access testing information, assignments, and everything I used on this Web site. My friend believes the Web site is an asset to her class. She believes it is an excellent resource for the parents.

I will stand by my comments I have made from the beginning. All of this is great, but if I am not proficient, or if I do not keep the information up-to-date, it is all for naught. There must be a purpose for everything placed on the site. The site will also require a lot of time to maintain properly. I also believe this site could wind up being detrimental to communication with parents and students. Just like e-mail, people begin to rely too heavily on the written communication. It will be important to put only information that will be general in nature. It is imperative that regular meetings and phone calls remain as the number one method of communication for the teacher.

Please visit my Web site: GED Fore Golf

1 comment:

  1. Adele, I am glad to read and share your experience and thoughts. I like the design of your site, which looks professional. Great job.
